LGBTQ+ Crossroads

The Crossroads Initiative is a collaboration between the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center (GSCC) and the Office of Inclusion Education. It is a “Uniquely Wisconsin” approach to addressing the intersectional realities of our student’s lives. This initiative bridges the work of both the GSCC and Inclusion Education  to address the needs of students living in the intersections of race, sexuality, gender, and other layers of identity.

For more information about Crossroads, visit our website here.

Crossroads has put together a webpage here. This site is meant as a gathering/landing page of resources, articles, and links. We release new pages honoring the lives, work, and achievements of various QTPOC communities. In February, we will be releasing a page honoring Black queer folx.

photo of 8 folx surrounding bucky at the Kohl Center.