Leadership Applications

Thank you for your interest in being involved in the Social Justice Hub as a leader or intern! Social Justice Hub positions ensure that there are educational and engaging experiences for campus. These leaders are responsible for being active parts of teams that plan and promote a diverse array of events and opportunities to enrich the campus and greater Madison community.

Be an engaged student working with fellow students. Follow your passions. Develop your skills. Leadership positions within the Social Justice Hub, provide these opportunities, including positions within all of our action teams: Criminal Justice Reform, Food Justice Collective, and Housing Equity,

Full position descriptions for each can be found here. All positions are open for applications and you may apply for as many positions as you would like.

Apply Now

Interviews will be given to selected candidates, expected by early May, and positions remain open until filled. You can contact us at sjhoperations@studentaffairs.wisc.edu with any questions.